Prof. Marian de van der Schueren, our PROMISS member from ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism), is spreading the word in the Netherlands on the importance of increasing protein intake for older adults.

“Stay fit: eat more protein!” published in a magazine for older people (KBO-PCOB Magazine) includes 7 robust tips from our PROMISS partner on how to ensure you’re getting enough protein and also lists 25 foods rich in protein such as tenderloin, salmon, milk, eggs or walnuts.

Addressing an even wider audience in the NRC (Dutch national newspaper), “Ageing healthy with proteins” also focuses on why protein is important for older people: “Proteins are essential for preserving muscle mass, resilience and your mental state”, explains Prof. de van der Schueren.


Read the full articles in Dutch here:

Blijf fit, eet meer eiwit!

Gezond oud met eiwitten